Saturday, December 3, 2016

Living in the woods for two nights and a day. Advice?

In early January I'll be living in a deciduous forest between 1730 on Day 0 to about 800 on Day 2. I live in a pretty mild area, so it'll only get down to just below freezing. There might be snow, but it'll be two or three inches at most and won't last. I'll have four or five days in the next week to access the area and work on a shelter - I have basic tools (axe, knife, shovel, folding saw) and a tarp, but no tent. I have a large plastic box ( maybe 1.5 ft by 1.5 ft by 2.5 ft) which I plan to bury in the area with the tools and other supplies in the interim. I'd like to ask for your advice to make sure I get through relatively comfortably and safely.What sort of shelter should I put up which will keep me warm and also last the month or so I have to leave it alone? I was planning on an a-frame sort of thing.What should I stash in terms of food? I don't have a propane stove but I can start a wood fire to cook. How much water would you recommend?What am I not considering which I'll wish I considered as soon as I get there?Thank you all. I'm not entirely new to camping but this is the longest I'll be spending away from civilization a) alone and b) during the winter.

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